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BO6 Bot Lobbies - 1 Bot Lobby

9.99 USD
Introducing BO6 Bot Lobbies, these are private BOT Lobbies where you kill AFK bots in MULTIPLAYER. Bot Lobbies are the most LEGIT way to get Camos, Weapon XP, Player XP, and Challenges. It is simple you go into a game of HC Kill Confirmed, with no mods, no hacks, and no changing the way the game is played! Which makes it the SAFEST WAY Possible. 

These lobbies are great for:
[+] Ranking up FAST
[+] Max Leveling Weapons
[+] Complete CAMO Challenges
In these lobbies you can get 60 - 100+ Kills on AFK Bots to get Challenges and XP! Headshots, Cover Kills, Longshots, and Launcher Killstreak challenges! You will go around killing AFK Bots and using UAV, SAE, & Advanced UAV to find them!
These lobbies are just like Normal Online Games, Meaning Normal Match Time and Normal Spawns!


About BO6 Bot Lobbies - 1 Bot Lobby

Introducing BO6 Bot Lobbies, these are private BOT Lobbies where you kill AFK bots in MULTIPLAYER. Bot Lobbies are the most LEGIT way to get Camos, Weapon XP, Player XP, and Challenges. It is simple you go into a game of HC Kill Confirmed, with no mods, no hacks, and no changing the way the game is played! Which makes it the SAFEST WAY Possible. 



These lobbies are great for:

[+] Ranking up FAST
[+] Max Leveling Weapons
[+] Complete CAMO Challenges

In these lobbies you can get 60 - 100+ Kills on AFK Bots to get Challenges and XP! Headshots, Cover Kills, Longshots, and Launcher Killstreak challenges! You will go around killing AFK Bots and using UAV, SAE, & Advanced UAV to find them!

These lobbies are just like Normal Online Games, Meaning Normal Match Time and Normal Spawns!


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